Friday, April 29, 2011

Meditation To Experience the Aquarian Spirit

Meditation of the Week:
September 12, 2000, Espanola, NM
1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Close your eyes. Sing from the navel and project out Every Heartbeat by Nirinjan Kaur. This song must reveal your soul. If you know the words, you will enter the Age of Aquarius, because it grants that spirit. You have to learn it by heart. It does not matter how many of you there are. It matters how effective you are. Continue singing with the tape for 11 minutes, then sing without the tape for other 3 minutes.
2. Sing along with Nirinjan Kaur’s God Is Within Me song. Continue for 3 minutes.
3. Sing along with Nirinjan Kaur’s Bountiful, Blissful and Beautiful song. To understand Anand Sahib, the Song of Bliss, you must sing with it in English. Continue for 3 minutes. Relax.
“Pavan is our Guru,” said Guru Nanak. His words, when chanted with Pavan Guru, the breath—from the navel point and projected out, turn our personality 180 degrees and give us the character of what we are chanting. It is no secret. It is meant to turn human into spirituality. Sing from the navel. Wake up!

Monday, April 11, 2011

To support Japan consider donating to:

Doctors without Borders - Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. They do great work.

Theme for Kirn's classes this week

Communication......through deep listening...............silence is the source of all vibrations, find yourSelf in the activity of silence, so you open to, and communicate from, your real identity

no navel no naad.............naad  develops your power and intuition in our communication

We will do yoga and meditations from the level 2 course: Conscious Communication

Sunday, April 10, 2011

9 min beautiful video on the feminine

Amazing sign of the Times  & worth the time to watch...

Strikingly beautiful, a huge step for humanity moving forward to the heart of who we can be. This is true strength, power and movement of Spirit

Meditation for self reliance

Meditation for Self-Reliance
it straight in a cross-legged position. Extend the arms forward at shoulder level parallel to the floor, with elbows slightly bent. Palms are face down, with fingers spread, tough and tight like nails—these are your five antennae. Eyes are closed. Move the arms rhythmically straight back and forward about 5 inches. Reach from the shoulders, affect your chest and spine. Chant the Prosperity Mantra Har Har Har Har Gobinday by Niranjan Kaur. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deep, straighten and tighten your fingers as much as you can so your hands automatically shake from the force of it. Cannon Fire Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
Regular practice of this exercise will totally change the psychic flow of your body. You will be different. Your body will receive energy from the universal energy, which is called Prakirti. And as a Purusha and Purkha you will just blossom. Body is given to you as a gift for you to emit and remit the light of your soul. And when it emits and remits the soul, the universe brings to you what you need. Otherwise you are a hustler—“I want this. I’m working for this.” You have only one thing—your breath.
You will only know who you are if you know the length and strength of your breath. When your mind does not stop and you go crazy, just hold the breath. In one second you forget why you are doing it. Because when you breathe in and hold it in, the mind comes into the balance center. When you breathe out and hold it out, your mind becomes intuitive. Life is very simple. Pave the way for your own knowledge.

Link to hear the sound of the planet Jupiter

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tapping technique for emotional freedom

I found this technique to be very illuminating!
Twisted my ankle and was able to connect with a very deep generational issue which was ready to clear, and it was using my ankle to bring attention to it.  You know how it goes.....

This is the website which describes everything you need to know to start doing the technique right now
No courses etc to take

What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and most highly recommend to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT is very easy to learn, and will help you:

  • Remove Negative Emotions
  • Reduce Food Cravings
  • Reduce or Eliminate Pain
  • Implement Positive Goals

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The "Tool Kit For Teaching Beginners" by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

This is a link for a wonderful booklet which explains a lot of our kundalini yoga practices

Friday, April 1, 2011

Meditation to Be aware of external events in a moment of crisis

Sit in easy pose with the elbows bent and the hands up at the level of the shoulders.Extend the Jupiter (index) fingers up and lock the thumb over the other fingers.Eyes at the tip of the nose.

Whisper the mantra: Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh.    11 Minutes

Translation: Guided from the primal core and beginningThrough every moment of experience and activityGuided in your heart’s deepest truth and beingBy the unseen Infinity of your highest self

Kriya To take away pain

A.  Sit in easy pose with the left hand up as if taking an oath.  Palm in facing forward.  Stretch the right arm straight out in front with the palm down.  Eyes are closed.  Inhale through the nose and exhale with a cannon breath through a circled mouth.  Move the right arm up and down powerfully 30-40 cm, two repetitions per second breathing in this way.       3 Minutes
B.  Sitting in easy pose, reverse the hand positions.  The breathing is the same.                3 Minutes
C.  Still sitting in easy pose, bend the arm at the elbow and bring the hands up to the level of the shoulders with the palms facing up.  Breathing pattern is the same.  Hold the position. 3 Minutes
D.  Sit in easy pose with the hands in front of the body, palms facing down.  Begin striking the floor with the open palms chanting “Har” with each strike.    3 Minutes

Meditation to make you aware and to stimulate the brain

Sit in easy pose and place the hands behind the neck, interlocking the fingers.
Begin chanting “Har” from the navel point, pulling the elbows forward each time “Har” in chanted.        3 Minutes

This exercise stimulates the feeling of the the brain and makes you able to speak so people can hear you.

Meditation for grounding

Sit in easy pose with the hands in prayer pose.
Keeping the hands together inhale and raise the arms up straight.  It is like the position for Sat Kriya.
Begin, as in Sat Kriya, chanting Sat Nam, pulling the navel with each repetition.
After three repetitions, slowly chant Wahe Guru as the hands are slowly brought down to the heart level against the body.  Repeat this cycle.
Continue for 3 Min, increasing to 11 Minutes

Meditation for Fear

Sit in easy pose and grasp the Sun (ring) finger of the left hand with all the fingers of the right hand.  The thumb of the left hand goes under the right hand.
Chant Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung. 3 Minutes

When you feel like you are stuck

Sitting in easy pose, hold your arms in front of your chest, forearms parallel to the ground.  Place the right hand over the left, about 6 inches, pointing in opposite directions.
Palms are facing downward.
Move the hands in and out very rapidly.
The right hand moves outward away from you as the left hand moves inward toward you.  Then the left hand moves outward and the right hand inward. 
Keep up this motion for 3 minutes.
Inhale deeply, hold, then exhale, 3 times.

Kriya for anxiety

A.  Sit in easy pose with the hands in prayer pose in front of the chest.  Then move the hands downward with fingers pointing away from the body and then back up again to the original position.  This is a fast, shaking motion.  Long deep breathing.                  3 Minutes
B.  Still sitting in easy pose, extend the arms forward, bending the arms at the elbow.  Keep the elbows in close to the body, upper arms extend somewhat beyond the shoulder, palms are open and facing the body.  Begin bringing the hands in toward the body and then back out again.  The movement is about 12 inches.  Form a circle with the mouth and breathe in and out rapidly through the mouth.     3 Minutes
C.  This is the same as part A., only breathe rapidly in an out through the mouth as in B.   3 Minutes

Meditation to lead a stress-free existence.

It tonifies the heart and the digestive and elimination systems, and circulates prana to the nadies.
Sitting in easy pose, place the arms up at the sides at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal, with the palms facing up and inward.  Elbows are straight.  Shake the hands vigorously, allowing the arms, shoulders, body, and legs to shake along with them.  Do this for 3 minutes.
Place the arms straight out in front, horizontal to the ground.  Bend the wrists toward you, so that the Jupiter finger (index finger) points upward.  The other fingers are curled under the thumb.  Moving only the wrists, rotate the Jupiter fingers outward, then downward, then inward, then upward again.  The right hand will have its Jupiter finger rotating clockwise around the wrist, and the left hand counter-clockwise.  The arms remain straight and stationary.  Try to keep the Jupiter finger in a vertical plane moving around the wrist.  Do this for 3 minutes.  Then inhale, hold and squeeze, and exhale, three time.

The Gong by Hari Jiwan Singh LA


The sound of the gong allows us to move beyond the boundaries of the mind. We have used our mind since birth to perceive the world and through our mind we have constructed our own unique version of reality. Over time we have become habituated with a set of perceptual responses to the incoming data from the world outside our mind. These responses layer and layer upon each other and build up their own magnetic frequency. This magnetic frequency then radiates out from us and attracts similar frequencies. Like attracts like. This is why the change process is so difficult. We can add information. We can add knowledge. We think we know more, and we do. But we have not really changed. Our energetic being remains the same. Our basic magnetic frequency and our layered perceptual filters process the new information in the old habitual ways.  New information does not change us. An energetic shift of our magnetic field changes us.

The universe is powered by sound. The gong is the basic creative sound. Out of the gong comes all music, all sounds, all words. The sound of the gong is the nucleus of the Word.  The mind was created out of this sound: it is like the father and mother together. The gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind. It is the one thing that supersedes the mind. The mind has no power before the gong. It takes three to ninety seconds for the sound of the gong to overtake the mind. Then we are free of the conditioned habitual pattern of the perceptual filters of our magnetic field. We have expanded beyond the frequency of our mental imprints. We now have the opportunity to experience new realms of our own psyche, new energetic aspects of our own being, new dimensions of ourselves.  We have the choice to explore, to create. This is the true flexibility of yoga---the beginning of the union of the finite within the infinite.

Among the tools the yogi has to merge the finite with the infinite the gong reigns supreme. It is not an ordinary thing to play; it is an art to play the gong.  The gong is not a drum or a musical instrument. The gong is a beautiful reinforced vibration. It is an inter-vibratory system. It is like a multitude of strings, like playing a million strings.

Think of the human body as a Divine instrument with strings. We are composed of seventy-two surs or strings. The Crown Chakra-the thousand petal lotus- impacts each of these strings with a thousand-fold vibration. So there are 72,000 vibratory impacts that send energy throughout out our system and these vibrations shape us physically, emotionally, and mentally.  When the gong is played, the vibration of the strings causes all thirty trillion cells of the body to resonate, to dance—forming patterns that release blockages that have prevented the cosmic pulsation to flow freely through our being. Within this creative cosmic flow we find fulfillment, harmony, and love.

When we chant a mantra, if the rhythm is right, and the concentration and surrender to its pulse is practiced, then the central nervous system vibrates it, and we can listen and absorb the sound. The mantra is attuned to the Infinite and when the Infinite resounds in us we achieve excellence. As Yogi Bhajan says: “The science of reality is to find the sound and to resound in that sound. Then the soul shall excel and God shall dwell within you.” Anahat is that state in which the nervous system vibrates the mantra without conscious effort; we vibrate in harmony with the psyche of the universe, beyond anything we could create from our finite self or ego. Nothing compares to the gong’s ability to create in the human the Divine sound, which allows entry into the state of Anahat, and causes the sound to resound within. Only the gong can produce this combination of space vibrations. It is this productive sound that changes the pattern of the brain neurons for positive purposes. No effort or practice is required to participate. We can not avoid interlocking with the sound of the gong, because we are a byproduct of the wave and the strength of the wave that is called light and sound. It is the sound of Creativity itself. The gong takes us directly into the original sound current, into perpetual sound—out into space, into space, into space. This unlimited sound vibrates and creates light, creates life. The sound of the gong becomes the sound of the Universe. This Universe and the other Universes are powered by the resounding sound that comes within the state of Anahat. Within this sound and resound we relax, stress departs, healing, rejuvenation occurs as we journey into the sublime vibratory field of all that is within us, of all that we are, of all that we come from.  We resonate with pleasure, joy and bliss.

As the Master, Yogi Bhajan tells us:
“The gong is God.  So it is said; so it is.”

Regular listening to the gong will re-pattern your magnetic field, open you to the vastness of your own psyche, and release you from all that prevents you from living a life of complete and utter happiness.

Har Meditation for Prosperity

Meditation for Prosperity II Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® from the Aquarian Teacher Yoga Manual Circa 1996
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Eyes: Focus at the tip of the nose, eyes are 9/10th closed.
Mudra: Elbows are by the sides, forearms are at a 45° angle, with the hands at the level of the throat. The exercise begins with the palms facing down.
Alternately strike the sides of the hands together:
When the palms are face down, the sides of the Jupiter (index) fingers touch, and the thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left.
When the palms are face up, the Mercury (pinky) fingers and the Moon Mounds (located at the base of the palms) touch.
Yogi Bhajan said that the thumbs crossing in this way (right under left) is the key to the meditation.
Mantra: Har
Chant continuously from the navel, using the tip of the tongue. (pronounced “hu‐duh”) Tantric Har is recommended for this meditation.
Time: Continue for 3‐11 Minutes
Comments: “This meditation can be done for up to 11 minutes. It is so powerful in bringing prosperity that more than 11 minutes would be greedy. This meditation stimulates the mind, the moon center and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not create wealth.” –Yogi Bhajan
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Kriya to Develop Your Hidden Greatness

Part OneMudra: Sit straight. Left hand comes under the chin palm down, forearm parallel to the ground; the right hand comes to meet the middle finger of the left hand at the center of the palm, fingers pointing up to the sky (hands make a T). Hands are long and straight, fingers together. You are bifurcating the angles.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Breath: Long Deep Breath; breath from the lower area of the belly; breath out through a round mouth. Yogiji demonstrates a very long inhalation, from the lower belly to the collar bones. You expand with the breath about an inch and a half. Continue for 20 minutes. This is the most sacred exercise in Kundalini Yoga and gives people the entire Universe.
Part TwoSwitch hands. Right hand comes under the chin palm down, forearm parallel to the ground; the left hand comes to meet the middle finger of the right hand at the center of the palm, fingers pointing up to the sky (makes a T). Hands are long and straight, fingers together.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Mantra: Sing with Har Singh Nar Singh* by Nirinjan Kaur.
Time: 5 minutes.
Part ThreeMudra:Bring the thumbs just above the eyebrows at either side of the Third Eye Point. Press the thumbs into the brow and allow the hands to be in Prayer Pose.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Mantra: Sing with Ong Namo by Nirinjan Kaur. Continue for 1-1/2 minutes.
Whistle with the breath. Continue for 1-1/2 minutes.
Keeping the mudra, begin Long Deep Breathing and exhale through the rounded mouth, as in Part One. Continue for 3 minutes.
Arms at 60 degrees, hands open and palms facing the sky. Begin Breath of Fire. Use the strength of the navel. Continue for 30 seconds.
Inhale deep and put both hands in the lap, right hand resting in the left. Relax the breath. Become thoughtless. No thought. “I forgive my thoughts; I forgive the Universe; I forgive my friends.” Forgiveness should override everything. Whatever is bothering you, whatever you ate, whatever you don’t like, right now just feel an angel is before you and you are willing to go with him and merge in infinity. Are you afraid? Just drop the fear and proceed. All negativity, all negative thoughts must go thoughtless. I am pure; I am divine; I am human: I am a creature of god. My faculties are divine. Continue for 2 minutes.
To End: Inhale deep. Squeeze. Exhale Cannon Breath (powerful breath through open mouth). Do this 3 times. Squeeze everything, ears, eyes, everything.
Taught by Yogi Bhajan on May 14, 1997
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

Kriyas and Meditations

In a class of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan®, kriyas and meditations are the “meat and potatoes” (or “beans and rice” for vegetarians) of the experience.Pranayam and warm-up postures may precede the kriya, which is typically followed by relaxation in corpse pose and a meditation.


The word kriya means action. It is an action that leads to a complete manifestation such as a seed to bloom, a thought into actuality, a desire to commitment.
In Kundalini Yoga a kriya is a series of postures, breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental changes that affect the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously. There are kriyas that support the liver, balance the glandular system, make you radiant, stimulate the pituitary, increase the flexibility of the spine, and many more. Each kriya has a different effect, but all work on all levels of your being.


Meditations in Kundalini Yoga contain specific, practical tools that carefully and precisely support the mind and guide the body through the use of breath, mantra,mudra, and focus. The range and variety of meditation techniques in the Kundalini Yoga tradition is truly extraordinary. Yogi Bhajan passed on hundreds of meditations tailored to specific applications. There are meditations that reduce stress, work on addictions, increase vitality, and clear chakras, to name a few.1 While there exist many, many styles and approaches to meditation, what sets this approach to meditation apart is its precision, effectiveness, and practicality.

Postures (Asanas)

In the practice of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan®, postures, also known as asanas, form one leg on a table of the experience. Breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, and body locks join with the postures to affect body, mind, and soul.

Postures practiced in Kundalini Yoga include forms that are familiar to the Hatha Yoga practitioner such as downward dog, forward bends, and seated poses. However, in a Kundalini Yoga class or manual, Sanskrit names are rarely used to identify a posture; instead, it is verbally described and almost always includes a demonstration or an illustration.
Kundalini Yoga also includes a suite of asanas that are less commonly used in a Hatha Yoga setting and may involve movement within a posture such as spinal flex, life nerve stretch, and spinal twist. A specific sequence of postures builds the foundation of a kriya.


The postures of Kundalini Yoga consciously employ the energetic effect and flow of the body’s balance and geometry:
Effects of Lifting the Legs to: 
  • 0-12 inches: everything below the navel point
  • 0 to 6 inches: ovaries/sex glands
  • 6 to 18 inches: navel point, kidneys
  • 12 inches to 2 feet: liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas
  • 1½ feet to 2½ feet: liver, upper stomach, gall bladder
  • 2 to 3 feet: heart, lungs, stomach
  • over 4 feet to 90 degrees: thyroid, parathyroid, pineal glands
  • 90 degrees: pineal and pituitary glands, memory
Lifting the Arms 60 degrees:  heart and lungs


Everyone understands that a posture may build a specific muscle group. We begin to expand that. There may be reflexes – this hand may be connected to something else in the body. There may be interconnections throughout the body, connecting its most distant parts in unexpected ways.
Each asana in a kriya is an exercise, a meditation, a connection to energy flow, and a self-diagnostic instrument for the Kundalini Yoga practitioner:
As an Exercise
  • Isolate specific muscles.
  • Pressurize specific points or areas to enhance glandular and organ function .
  • Re-direct, flush, or increase circulation.
As a Meditation
  • Create a special link and foundation between mind and body.
  • Release emotional masking and blocks stimulated by the posture.
As a Connection to Energy Flow
  • Open energy pathways between meridians.
As a Self-Diagnostic Tool
  • Signals of pleasure or discomfort and pain indicate conditions of the muscles, glands, and/or emotions.


You’ll go through stages as you adjust to the effects of the postures within Kundalini Yoga. At first, you may feel awkward. If you hold it, it starts to feel better. The asana starts to find a natural place in you as you give a new form to your conscious and unconscious patterning. First you create the form, then you start transforming all the things you’re not even aware of.
The West and scientific statistics look at you in relation to the average. The West compares you to someone else; but yoga compares you to your own potential. In Kundalini Yoga, the emphasis is not on perfecting the physical posture but on the experience – and effects – of it. Whatever you think your physical limitations are, there is a place for you in Kundalini Yoga.


Hands are more than just functional; they are an energy map of our consciousness and health. Each area of the hand corresponds to a certain area of the body as well as different emotions or behaviors. By curling, crossing, stretching, and touching the fingers and palms, we can effectively talk to the body and mind. The position the hand takes is called a mudra and is a technique for giving clear messages to the mind-body energy system.

Just as letters are combined in a multitude of ways to form different words, so can the fingers build an array of mudras. Given below are a few of the most commonmudras experienced in Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan®.


How: Touch tip of index (first) finger and tip of thumb. Other three fingers are straight.
Effect: Stimulates knowledge, wisdom, receptivity, and calmness.
Planet: Jupiter; expansion.


How: Touch tip of middle (second) finger and tip of thumb. Other three fingers are straight.
Effect: Promotes patience, discernment, and commitment.
Planet: Saturn; task master, taking responsibility, and courage to hold to duty.


How: Touch tip of ring (third) finger and tip of thumb. Other three fingers are straight.
Effect: Revitalizing energy, nerve strength, and good health.
Planet: Sun; energy, health, and sexuality. Uranus; nerve strength, intuition, and change.


How: Touch tip of little (fourth) finger and tip of thumb. Other three fingers are straight.
Effect: Creates capacity to clearly and intuitively communicate, stimulates psychic development.
Planet: Mercury; quickness, mental powers of communication.


How: Palms of both hands and fingers are completely touching. The outer edge of the mound of the thumb is pressed into the sternum.
Effect: Neutralizes the positive side of the body (right, sun, masculine) with the negative side (left, moon, feminine).
There is a science to using Prayer Mudra. There is a polarity in the body between the right side, the pingala, and left side, the ida. When you put the right and left hands together, you are neutralizing the positive and negative polarities of the electromagnetic field. This action creates a neutral space in the electromagnetic field. The position of the knuckles of the thumbs – in the notch of the breastbone – is a reflex point for the vagus nerve, one of the major nerves going to the pineal gland up the front the body. This pressure immediately causes the pineal and pituitary glands to secrete, creating a resonance in the brain that moves it out of its normal rhythm to a meditative state. This allows one’s prayer to come from the heart. *


How: For men, interlace the fingers with the left little finger on the bottom. Place the left thumb in the webbing between the thumb and index finger of the right hand. The right thumb presses the fleshy mound at the base of the left thumb. For women, the thumb positions are reversed and the right little finger goes on the bottom.
Effect: Channels sexual energy, promotes glandular balance, ability to concentrate easily. 
Planet: The mounds at the base of the thumbs represent Venus; sensuality and sexuality. The thumb represents the ego.
* Summarized from video interview with Guruka Singh Khalsa on the question ofWhy do you fold your hands in Prayer Pose.”


"Mantras are not small things, mantras have power. They are the mind vibration in relationship to the Cosmos. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power, and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche." ~ Yogi Bhajan
Mantra is the use of sound to affect consciousness; “man” means mind and “tra” means wave or “tune the vibration” (as in tuning an instrument or the radio).
Everything in this world, down to the subatomic level, is in constant motion, vibrating. The denser a material, the more slowly it moves; often the vibration is so slow or so fast that we can’t notice it with our direct senses. This vibration is pure energy.
There is a vibratory frequency that corresponds to everything in the universe. Happiness or sorrow, joy or regret are vibratory frequencies in the mind. When we chant a mantra we are choosing to invoke the positive power contained in those particular syllables. Whether it’s for prosperity, peace of mind, increasing intuition, or any other possible benefits inherent in mantras, simply by chanting them we are setting vibrations into motion that shall have an effect. It doesn’t actually matter if we understand the meaning of the sounds or not.
Chanting mantra produces specific vibratory frequency within the body. The sounds and thoughts produced by the body and mind radiate out from you. The vibratory frequency of a mantra draws to you whatever you are vibrating. You are like a magnet attracting vibrations to you by what you send out. As a vibration, a mood, a state of being that results from chanting, mantra is compatible with all belief systems.
In addition to the vibrations set in motion, something else happens when you chant. This is really important. There are eighty-four meridian points, or pressure points, in the roof of the mouth. Every time you speak you stimulate them – and their associated glands and organs – with the tongue. And every time you chant a mantra, you are tapping out a particular sequence – rhythm and position – that initiates a chemical reaction in the brain and body. It’s as if you have an electronic, computerized security system in your mouth. Punch in the right code on the upper palate and you gain entry to the brain and your inner chambers of higher consciousness!


The power of mantra is amazing. Were it not for the simplicity of its causal principle, mantra would seem miraculous. A central aspect Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan® is the conscious application of ancient mantras and modern positive affirmations. The mantras used are often based on the Shabd Guru.
Mantras are typically in Gurmukhi, an Indian language, and, occasionally, in English. These mantras contain the vibrations of peace, prosperity, connection, and many other qualities and are understood by their impact, even if the meaning of each word is not known. 
Pronunciation comes with repetition and by example. Many mantras are available to listen to on the KRI website. Understanding the meaning of the words adds another layer of effectiveness to chanting. The translations for a few of the most frequently used mantras in Kundalini Yoga are given below.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (the Adi Mantra)
I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.
This mantra is used for “tuning in” to the divine flow and self-knowledge within each of us as well as linking us to Yogi Bhajan and the Golden Chain of teachers. It is chanted three times at the start of each Kundalini Yoga class.
Sat Nam
Truth is my identity.
This mantra reinforces the divine consciousness in everyone. It is used as a greeting as well as the mantra for all Kundalini Yoga exercises, inhaling “Sat” (truth), exhaling “Nam” (name, identity).
Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru 
Wise, wise is the one who serves Infinity.
This mantra invokes the fourth Sikh Guru, Guru Ram Das, known for his humility and grace. It is a mantra of humility, relaxation, self-healing, and emotional relief.
Wahe Guru
Wow! The divine inner teacher, the dispeller of darkness is beyond description!
This mantra expresses the indescribable experience of going from darkness to light. It is a mantra of infinite ecstasy.
Aquarian Sadhana
The seven mantras in the linked file are chanted each day in the ambrosial hours, the two and half hours before dawn, as part of the Aquarian Sadhana.
Happy am I, Healthy am I, Holy am I
This mantra confirms each person’s birthright to be Happy, Healthy, and Holy. It is also the guiding principle of the 3HO Foundation.
May the long-time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you, guide your way on (the “Long-time Sun” song)
This mantra is sung at the close of each class (followed by a long Sat Nam), offered as a prayer for yourself, a specific individual, and/or the whole planet.


Many meditations and kriyas of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan® specify an exact point of focus for the eyes. Directing the gaze physically impacts the optic nerve as it travels from the eyes to the center of the brain. During meditation and other activities, different eye positions cause the optic nerve to apply variable pressures to major glands and gray matter.

When no specific eye-focus is given for a meditation or kriya, the eyes should be kept closed. Shutting the eyes during Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations encourages an inner focus. More than just reducing external distractions, the eye-focus is a powerful meditation technique.
In addition to these physical effects, focusing the eyes acts as a mental focus, allowing the mind to more readily reach a point of aware stillness during meditation.


At the Third Eye Point: Closed eyes are gently raised to the Brow Point, at the center of the forehead a little above the eyebrows. This part of the forehead corresponds to the Sixth Chakra.
• Stimulates the pituitary gland and sushmuna.
At the Tip of the Nose: Eyes are slightly crossed, looking along the nose to the top of its tip. Balances the idapingala, and sushmuna.
• Stimulates the pineal gland and frontal lobe of the brain; controls the mind.
At the Tip of the Chin: Closed eyes are rolled downwards to the center of the chin. This location corresponds to the Moon Center.
• Cooling and calming.
At the Top of the Head: Closed eyes roll upwards, as if looking through the very top, center of the head. This area is the Crown Chakra, the Tenth Gate.
• Stimulates the pineal gland and the Crown Chakra.
1/10th Open (9/10th Closed): Eyelids are light and relaxed, leaving a small opening between them.  Direction of eye focus may vary as indicated by Yogi Bhajan’s instructions. 
• Calms and develops intuition.
* Summarized from Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. The Aquarian Teacher: KRI International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Textbook Level One Instructor. Third Edition. Kundalini Research Institute, 2005.


Chakras are centers of consciousness. They are focal points of energy that have a direct, immediate, and profound effect on our daily lives. The particular chakra where the majority of your kundalini energy is primarily focused – or polarized – influences your basic behavior and attitudes.

This relationship between behavior and your dominant chakra is key! Why? Because energy acts like a magnet. We constantly attract vibrations to ourselves that are on the same wavelength as the chakras from which we are operating. Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan® allows the kundalini energy to rise, balancing and coordinating all of the chakras.
Kundalini Yoga does not force the kundalini to rise; it prepares the body to allow it to rise so that you can experience your higher consciousness. When this balance of the chakras occurs, you become empowered, you are able to be a compassionate, conscious, and capable human being.
Yogi Bhajan taught about the functions and attributes of the eight major chakras so that we could understand and transform ourselves via the practice of Kundalini Yoga.