Friday, January 27, 2012

For Effects of Radiation & Stop Cosmic Disturbances

For Effects of Radiation & Stop Cosmic Disturbances
Trikurti Turvani Kriya
Taught by Yogi Bhajan May 15, 1978 - Los Angeles, California
Mudra: Sitting in easy pose with a straight spine, and bend the elbows down into the sides. Bring the hands with the palms flat and fingers pointing up, next to each shoulder. Bend the index finger into the palm, and touch it to the tip of the thumb (giaan mudra).
Eyes: Look at the tip of the nose.
Breath & Mantra: Inhale very deeply, and chant the following mantra three times on one breath: Praanaa Apaanaa Shush manaa Haree, Haree Har Haree Har Haree Har Haree Chant the mantra at a fairly rapid pace, to be able to repeat it 3 times on one breath.
Comments: There is so much radiation in the atmosphere that your nerves cannot stand it and you get grouchy and upset. Those who have poor sympathetic nervous systems cannot keep their cool, and they do wrong things. In case of atomic energy radiation or total destruction, if you can perfect your mind with this, it may help you. This is one of the most sacred mantras. This kriya works right on the spot. It's not that if we chant it today, it will work tomorrow. It will work right then and there. As much as you will chant, that much it will return to you. It will cut out that karma and that much dharma will enter. It takes care of your entire texture. Trikurti is the triangle at the third eye. Turvani means cosmic triangle. These two triangles are very important. People who eat meat, people who kill animals and take their bad vibes, this redeems them. This is actually the offering to God, and it's a most beautiful offering of prana. This mantra can stop the cosmic disturbance. In very, very old times when typhoons used to come, when destruction used to come from the heavens, people used to practice this mantra. When they would think there was no escape, they would sit down together, meditate and chant. Somehow the miracle of God, the hand of God would save them. This is the basic mantra.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why practice Kundalini Yoga

I often say to students that you cannot stay the same when you practice Kundalini yoga. The very nature of what we do is to awaken the energy of consciousness, to practice in a way that sheds light on our self-imposed limitations, and invites us to think out of the box and develop our intuitive mind. Being able to live from our intuitive mind is one of the main goals of a Kundalini practitioner.
I practice and teach both Hatha and Kundalini yoga. I see my Hatha practice as daily maintenance — a great way to work out kinks in my body, get grounded and calm. My Kundalini practice is a place of transformation. The kriyas and meditations are much more specific than your regular flow class, much like an Iyengar practice, but rather than focusing on physical alignment, the kriyas are a specific set of exercises that generate energy, organize that energy and deliver you to a specific energetic state — particularly one of greater awareness.
Also within the practice are built-in moments of stillness where we sit quietly and awaken to our Self. The breathwork within the kriyas is so powerful that it starts to strip away the layers that veil our consciousness, and in the sweet moments between poses we can sense the fullness of who we are. The kriyaswork on strengthening your nervous system, balancing your glandular system, purifying the body and calming the mind.
I have practiced kriyas that have left me blissed out, high and filled with a sense of connection and joy, and others that have provoked and confronted me to the very core of who I am, both physically and mentally. I have learned to stay present and accept pleasure and pain as part of the same journey to health and balance. Our ego naturally leans towards pleasure and comfort. It takes concerted effort and discipline to begin to release the ego’s grip on our consciousness. This effort is the work required to begin to access the truth of who we are, to create a strong connection to our Soul and therefore our Soul’s work on this planet. It is where we start to make great strides toward living as an enlightened being.
Before practicing Kundalini yoga, I had done some meditation, but it had always been elusive for me. Meditations within Kundalini yoga are multifaceted. You can do the simplest forms, such as breath awareness or simple mantra, or explore more elaborate meditations where there is a specific breath, mantra and mudra that all work together to balance different aspects of the mind and body. When practiced for 40–120 days, the result is pure magic.
Kundalini yoga is not to be taken lightly. It is like an express train that shakes and wakes you up. I sincerely encourage you to have an experience of Kundalini yoga for yourself. It will add depth to your existing practice and to your life. I have created a number of Kundalini videos on for you to try. If you find a set that resonates with you, stick to it for 40 days so you can reap the full benefits of the kriya.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Meditation for Word Power

Meditation for Word Power
POSTURE & MUDRA: Sit in Easy Pose with erect spine. Hands are in Gyan Mudra over knees or relaxed in lap, the right hand resting in left with both palms up.

MANTRA: There is no mantra for this meditation although you may want to play the Tantric Har recording for rhythmic support.

BREATH: Inhale deeply, exhale and hold the breath out as long as comfortable.

Then inhale deeply and immediately exhale again. Continue this breath pattern for 11 minutes as you do the following: As you hold the breath out, regularly pulse the Navel Point and the tip of the tongue together. Pull in the Navel Point and lift the tongue to strike the top of the mouth at the same time. The tongue must snap up as the navel snaps inward. It is a small precise movement. The mouth may be closed or relaxed and slightly open. You can silently imagine the Har sounds.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meditation for Word power

Meditation for Word Power
POSTURE & MUDRA: Sit in Easy Pose with erect spine. Hands are in Gyan Mudra over knees or relaxed in lap, the right hand resting in left with both palms up.

MANTRA: There is no mantra for this meditation although you may want to play the Tantric Har recording for rhythmic support.

BREATH: Inhale deeply, exhale and hold the breath out as long as comfortable.

Then inhale deeply and immediately exhale again. Continue this breath pattern for 11 minutes as you do the following: As you hold the breath out, regularly pulse the Navel Point and the tip of the tongue together. Pull in the Navel Point and lift the tongue to strike the top of the mouth at the same time. The tongue must snap up as the navel snaps inward. It is a small precise movement. The mouth may be closed or relaxed and slightly open. You can silently imagine the Har sounds.

Meditation for self blessing

Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Arch the right arm over the head, palm facing down 6 inches above the crown of the head. Raise the left forearm parallel to the ground and bend the elbow so that the hand is touching your chest, palm facing down. Eyes are closed.

Chant in a monotone I bless myself, I bless myself, I bless myself. I am, I am.

Continue for 3 minutes.

To end, inhale deeply, hold the breath and repeat the mantra mentally. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.