Friday, April 1, 2011

Kriya to Develop Your Hidden Greatness

Part OneMudra: Sit straight. Left hand comes under the chin palm down, forearm parallel to the ground; the right hand comes to meet the middle finger of the left hand at the center of the palm, fingers pointing up to the sky (hands make a T). Hands are long and straight, fingers together. You are bifurcating the angles.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Breath: Long Deep Breath; breath from the lower area of the belly; breath out through a round mouth. Yogiji demonstrates a very long inhalation, from the lower belly to the collar bones. You expand with the breath about an inch and a half. Continue for 20 minutes. This is the most sacred exercise in Kundalini Yoga and gives people the entire Universe.
Part TwoSwitch hands. Right hand comes under the chin palm down, forearm parallel to the ground; the left hand comes to meet the middle finger of the right hand at the center of the palm, fingers pointing up to the sky (makes a T). Hands are long and straight, fingers together.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Mantra: Sing with Har Singh Nar Singh* by Nirinjan Kaur.
Time: 5 minutes.
Part ThreeMudra:Bring the thumbs just above the eyebrows at either side of the Third Eye Point. Press the thumbs into the brow and allow the hands to be in Prayer Pose.
Eyes: Tip of the nose.
Mantra: Sing with Ong Namo by Nirinjan Kaur. Continue for 1-1/2 minutes.
Whistle with the breath. Continue for 1-1/2 minutes.
Keeping the mudra, begin Long Deep Breathing and exhale through the rounded mouth, as in Part One. Continue for 3 minutes.
Arms at 60 degrees, hands open and palms facing the sky. Begin Breath of Fire. Use the strength of the navel. Continue for 30 seconds.
Inhale deep and put both hands in the lap, right hand resting in the left. Relax the breath. Become thoughtless. No thought. “I forgive my thoughts; I forgive the Universe; I forgive my friends.” Forgiveness should override everything. Whatever is bothering you, whatever you ate, whatever you don’t like, right now just feel an angel is before you and you are willing to go with him and merge in infinity. Are you afraid? Just drop the fear and proceed. All negativity, all negative thoughts must go thoughtless. I am pure; I am divine; I am human: I am a creature of god. My faculties are divine. Continue for 2 minutes.
To End: Inhale deep. Squeeze. Exhale Cannon Breath (powerful breath through open mouth). Do this 3 times. Squeeze everything, ears, eyes, everything.
Taught by Yogi Bhajan on May 14, 1997
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008

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